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ENEV - Standing Committee

Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources

Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources

First Session, Forty-first Parliament, 2011-12-13

Chair: The Honourable RICHARD NEUFELD

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Issue No. 40

Tenth meeting on:

The current state of the safety elements of the bulk transport of hydrocarbon products in Canada


Transport Canada:

Gerard McDonald, Assistant Deputy Minister, Safety and Security;

Marie-France Dagenais, Director General, Transport Dangerous Goods;

Luc Bourdon, Director General, Rail Safety;

Sylvain Lachance, Executive Director, Legislative, Regulatory International Affairs;

Daniel Haché, Director, International Marine Policy.


The Honourable Richard Neufeld, Chair

The Honourable Grant Mitchell, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Baker, P.C., *Cowan (or Tardif), Lang, *LeBreton, P.C. (or Carignan), MacDonald, Massicotte, Patterson, Ringuette, Seidman, Sibbeston, Unger, Wallace

* Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

Changes in membership of the committee:

Pursuant to rule 12-5, membership of the committee was amended as follows:

The Honourable Senator Unger was added to the membership of the committee (March 26, 2013).

The Honourable Senator Brown retired and was removed from the membership of the committee, replacement pending (March 21, 2013).

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