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NFFN - Standing Committee

National Finance

Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on
National Finance

First Session, Forty-second Parliament, 2015-16-17-18-19

Chair: The Honourable PERCY MOCKLER

Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Issue No. 97

Ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth meetings:
The subject matter of all of Bill C-97, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 19, 2019and other measures


Sixth meeting:
Main Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020


The Honourable Bill Morneau, P.C., M.P., Minister of Finance


Tuesday, June 4, 2019 (morning meeting)

Canadian Chamber of Commerce:

Trevin S. Stratton, Chief Economist.

Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada:

Bruce Ball, Vice-President, Taxation.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019 (afternoon meeting)

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and Addiction:

Rebecca Jesseman, Director, Policy.

As an individual:

Michael Armstrong, Associate Professor, Goodman School of Business, Brock University. (By video conference)

Consumer Choice Center:

David Clement, North American Affairs Manager.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Department of Finance Canada:

Brian Ernewein, Assistant Deputy Minister, Tax Legislation, Tax Policy Branch.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada:

Stéphane Aubry, Vice-President.

National Association of Federal Retirees:

Simon Coakeley, Chief Executive Officer.

Federation of Canadian Municipalities:

Carole Saab, Executive Director, Policy and Public Affairs;

Chris Boivin, Managing Director, Green Municipal Fund.


The Honourable Percy Mockler, Chair

The Honourable Joseph A. Day, Deputy Chair

The Honourable André Pratte, Deputy Chair


The Honourable Senators:

Andreychuk, Boehm, *Day (or Mercer), Deacon (Ontario), Duncan, Eaton, Forest, Forest-Niesing, *Harder, P.C. (or Bellemare), (or Mitchell), Klyne, Marshall, Neufeld, *Smith (or Martin), *Woo (or Saint-Germain)

* Ex officio members

(Quorum 4)

Changes in membership of the committee:

Pursuant to rule 12-5 and to the orders of the Senate of November 7, 2017 and of November 20, 2018, membership of the committee was amended as follows:

The Honourable Senator Neufeld replaced the Honourable Senator Patterson (June 5, 2019).

The Honourable Senator Patterson replaced the Honourable Senator Neufeld (June 5, 2019).

The Honourable Senator Deacon (Ontario) replaced the Honourable Senator Dean (June 4, 2019).

The Honourable Senator Boehm replaced the Honourable Senator Ravalia (June 4, 2019).

The Honourable Senator Ravalia replaced the Honourable Senator Boehm (June 4, 2019).

The Honourable Senator Dean replaced the Honourable Senator Campbell (June 4, 2019).

The Honourable Senator Campbell replaced the Honourable Senator Deacon (Ontario) (June 4, 2019).

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