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Divestment Obligations

June 17, 2020

Honourable senators, my question is for the Leader of the Government in the Senate. Senator Gold, Prime Minister Trudeau appointed you as his Senate government leader in January. The media reported in March that you had not yet complied with your financial disclosure and divestment obligations under the Conflict of Interest Act. It is now five months since you became Senate government leader, and the Ethics Commissioner’s website states your compliance process is still incomplete. Where is this at?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate) [ + ]

Thank you so much for the question. I have been in regular contact with the Ethics Commissioner and his office. I am in the process of complying with all that I’m required to do, which includes putting my assets in a blind trust and resigning from the relevant corporate directorships which I have held. All the paperwork is in place except for the final version of the blind trust. I was assured by the commissioner’s office that I’m in compliance in terms of the process. Please rest assured I will be in full compliance as soon as they receive the paperwork.

Senator Gold, during the past five months, you have been the Senate government leader for the Trudeau government. Have you recused yourself from any debates, discussions, decisions or votes in this Senate chamber, at any Senate committee, at cabinet meetings or in any negotiations regarding legislation with other Senate leaders?

Senator Gold [ + ]

I have not.

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