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SENATORS’ STATEMENTS — The Honourable Percy Mockler

April 16, 2024

Honourable senators, I was unfortunately away last week when we were marking the retirement of the Honourable Senator Percy Mockler. I wanted to take a moment today to recognize the contribution made by this gentleman of Canadian and New Brunswick politics.

I had the good fortune to work closely with him as soon as I arrived in the Senate, specifically as a member of the National Finance Committee, where I quickly came to appreciate his deep human values, his kindness and his desire to work collegially.

His exemplary leadership has been an inspiration to me and to all of us. In particular, I recall his willingness to listen to different points of view, and to get all stakeholders moving in the same direction to find solutions to the complex challenges facing our country.

Senator Mockler’s sensitivity towards Canadians from all walks of life was patently obvious in everything he did to improve their quality of life and defend their fundamental rights. This included, first and foremost, the right to live and thrive in both official languages.

First through his involvement in provincial politics and later as a senator, he has always embodied these moral values of public commitment and service to others.

I took particular note of his persistence in speaking out on behalf of the marginalized and most disadvantaged members of our society, his passion in defending linguistic minorities and his commitment to ensuring that all regions of Canada are able to have every opportunity to grow and prosper.

Senator Mockler’s time in this chamber should inspire us all to work collegially to serve the best interests of the country.

It is possible to make progress on the issues that are important to us, while remaining respectful and non-partisan and staying focused on what matters most, and that is the fact that we’re all here to build a more respectful, more united and more prosperous Canada.

As Senator Mockler reminded us in his final speech last week, although we belong to different caucuses, the logo on all of our jerseys is the maple leaf.

[We must] work together, because every politician and every parliamentarian must have the same goal: to improve the quality of life of Canadians across the country.

Senator Mockler, it was a privilege to work alongside you, especially on the National Finance Committee, where we will continue to call for transparency, accountability and predictability in our budget appropriations, as you so often reminded us to do.

Senator Mockler, I wish you a healthy, active, well-deserved retirement.

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