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SENATORS’ STATEMENTS — The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien

February 13, 2024

Honourable senators, I’m proud to rise in tribute to a visionary politician and a great Canadian, my dear friend and mentor, the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien.

On January 11, Senator Cordy and I had the privilege of attending an event that honoured former Prime Minister Chrétien, who recently celebrated a triple crown: the thirtieth anniversary of his election as Prime Minister, the sixtieth anniversary of his arrival in Parliament, and the ninetieth anniversary of his birth.

Throughout the evening, all those in attendance reflected on his incredible accomplishments, which extended far beyond partisan lines and positively impacted all Canadians.

Mr. Chrétien has worked hard to realize his vision of a prosperous, inclusive Canada playing a responsible and respectable role on the world stage. For this, we are grateful.

Honourable senators, former Prime Minister Chrétien’s role in my professional journey cannot be understated. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chrétien opened doors for me that, historically, women — especially women of colour — never had the opportunity to walk through. Not only did he actively work to dismantle barriers and amplify the voices of people who look like me, but he also listened to our challenges.

He single-handedly paved the way for a more inclusive Canada. Thanks to his vision, Canada is stronger and more dynamic.

Behind every great leader stands an equally impressive partner. In former Prime Minister Chrétien’s case, it was his late wife, Aline, who stood by his side throughout his career as an equal partner and his closest adviser. Aline’s influence extended far beyond what any of us will ever understand. I was privileged to share a friendship with Aline, a woman whose strength and resilience quietly inspired me as I navigated the challenges of public life.

Honourable senators, in closing, let us extend our deepest appreciation to former prime minister Jean Chrétien for his tireless dedication to our nation and for laying the groundwork for a political landscape that continues to inspire so many Canadians. May his legacy guide us as we work toward building a Canada that truly reflects the strength found in our diversity.

Thank you.

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